
10 am – 7:30 pm
Thursday 10 pm – 10:30 pm
Closed on Monday

Last admission 1 hour before closing time


7 December 10 am - 19:30 pm
8 December 10 am - 7.30 pm
24 December 10 am - 14:30 pm
25 December 14:30 am - 18:30 pm
26 December 10 am - 22:30 pm
31 December 10 am - 14:30 pm
1 January 14:30 am - 19:30 pm
6 January 10 am - 19:30 pm


Metal Panic exhibition admission

Full price € 8,00

Special reduced price € 6,50
Groups; visitors from 6 to 26 years old and over 65 years old; disabled people with less than 100% disability; Touring Club members with card; FAI members with card; ticket holders of the "Lunedì Musei" initiative (Poldi Pezzoli / Museo Teatro alla Scala); military personnel; police not on duty; teachers.

Special reduced price € 4.00
Every Thursday from 6:30 pm; school groups; groups organised directly by the Touring Club or FAI; Civil Service Volunteers working for the Municipality of Milan; non-accredited journalists upon presentation of their ODG membership card bearing the stamp for the current year; Cinetessera 2023 holders.

Children under the age of 6; disabled persons with 100% disability; one accompanying person per disabled person presenting a need; one accompanying person for each group; two accompanying persons for each school group; one accompanying person and one guide for each FAI or Touring Club group; employees of the Soprintendenza ai Beni Architettonici di Milano; journalists accredited by the press office; ICOM cardholders; Abbonamento Musei Lombardia (Lombardy Museums Subscription) cardholders; licensed tour guides; AMACI members; employees of Soprintendenza ai Beni Paesaggistici e Architettonici di Milano (Superintendency of Architectural and Landscape Heritage of Milan); employees of the Exhibition and Scientific Museums Area of Palazzo Reale with a membership card; members of the Supervisory Committee and Fire Brigade with a membership card.

Family ticket
1 or 2 adults € 6,50 + children (6 - 14 years) € 4,00*

Reservation with advance sale on vivaticket.com